Take Control - Do More Than Just Living.
Elevating your Healing Powers and Abundance.
This magazine is designed with you in mind. It is our intention to help you continue and grow as you journey on your path of healing and abundance.
“Mere colour, unspoiled by meaning, and unallied with definite form, can speak to the soul in a thousand different ways.”
~Oscar Wilde~
In this issue of “another point of view” we are going to look at the fascinating energy of colour. Colour is an experience. It is one that we on this planet, are privileged to enjoy.
We tend to think of colour as a purely physical phenomenon experienced by our sense of sight alone, but as a form of energy colour is active on all levels of our being – mental, emotional, physical and spiritual.
Hence its effects are not only restricted to the sighted. Those with impaired vision are equally receptive to these energies, and in many cases are more so because of their enhanced sensitivity to non-visual stimuli.
Each colour has its own individual characteristics and effects.
Some of these you may use intuitively in your dress and for some your make-up to reveal or disguise your true feelings and intentions, some will already be familiar to you as everyday clichés used to express emotions and feelings: “Red with anger” or “Green with envy”.
Without life there is no colour; without colour there is no life!
Read on and enjoy.
To your health and abundance.
Table of Contents
- Gift of Giving
- Favourite Quotes
- Inspiration
- Expand Your Knowledge
- Psychic Power
- Opportunity Knocks
- Use Full Links
Gift of Giving – A Gift for You
As Jim Rohn said:
“Giving is better than receiving because giving starts the receiving process.”
This part of our site is exclusively for you! As a recipient of this e-zine you have exclusive access to the ever-growing library of healing tools and books that are yours to have, use and keep with our love and gratitude for having you as a member of this mailing.
We really hope you get as much pleasure out of them as we do.
Follow this link and see what’s been added for your pleasure.
https://www.healing-journeys-energy.com – Your Place to Be!
Favourite Quotes - Colour
“Colour, what a deep and mysterious language, the language of dreams.”
~Paul Gauguin – French Impressionist Painter~
“Colour is the place where our brain and the universe meet.”
~Paul Klee – Swiss Expressionist Painter~
“The whole world, as we experience it visually, comes to us through the mystic realm of colour.”
~Hans Hofmann – Artist~
“All colours are the friends of their neighbours and the lovers of their opposites.”
~Marc Chagall~
https://www.healing-journeys-energy.com – Your Place to Be!
The following poem reminded me so much of how humans treat one another. It is my wish that as the crayons discover the beauty and necessity of each other in the picture of the whole, that we as humans can find the same path.
Box of Crayons
(Original Author Unknown)
While walking in a toy store
The day before today,
I overheard a Crayon Box
With many things to say.
"I don 't like red!" said Yellow.
And Green said, "Nor do I!
And no one here likes Orange,
But no one knows quite why."
"We are a box of crayons
that really doesn't get along,"
Said Blue to all the others.
"Something here is wrong!
Well, I bought that box of crayons
And took it home with me
And laid out all the crayons
So the crayons could all see
They watched me as I colored
With Red and Blue and Green
And Black and White and Orange
And every colour in between
They watched as Green became the grass
And Blue became the sky.
The Yellow sun was shining bright
On White clouds drifting by.
Colours changing as they touched,
Becoming something new.
They watched me as I colored.
They watched till I was through.
And when I 'd finally finished,
I began to walk away.
And as I did the Crayon box
Had something more to say...
"I do like Red!" said the Yellow
And Green said, "So do I!
And Blue you are terrific!
So high up in the sky."
We are a Box of Crayons
Each of us unique,
But when we get together
The picture is complete.
https://www.healing-journeys-energy.com – Your Place to Be!

Expand Your Knowledge
Everything you have always wanted to know about colour compiled in one splendid and extensive course covering the healing energies and attributes of colour, which on completion will leave you in the position to know and understand the power of colour in your life as well as to practice as a colour healing therapist complete with certification.
As a healer using the beautiful healing energies, no matter which branch of healing you prefer or specialise in, an understanding of the power of the healing energies in colour can not be underestimated.
By adding this knowledge to your practice you will enhance and multiply the healing energies.
Do you know how colour affects you in your daily life?
Don’t let anyone fool you, the colours around you, the colours you choose to wear all affect your daily life as they apply their energetic power to your physical and mental being.
Imagine knowing what to wear to influence a situation, or what colours to surround yourself with to create the mood you desire.
Without a doubt, and this we can tell you from experience, our own, as we use these techniques and systems in our daily lives this is must have knowledge that will change every aspect of your life, from manifesting abundance to health, wealth, love and happiness.
This course has been put together by us, it is unique in that it comprises nearly 200 pages of "pure gold" without the hype, indispensable knowledge and skills that are a must have for anyone from experienced healers to the beginner alike.
We have laid this course out in clear sections covering everything you would need to know about the healing energy of colour including:
- Stunning graphics to help you understand the concepts we are putting across. Exercises to complete that will enhance your ability as a healer to feel and attune to the energies.
- Specialised meditations that you can learn and that will allow you to feel the benefits of the colour healing energies.
- On completion you will have the opportunity to be certified, which will include you receiving a frame-able certificate that you can proudly display.
YES! I am interested!

Have you ever had an encounter with a true psychic?
Did you know psychic’s can connect with the Angels, Ascendant Masters, Guides, Your Higher Self and Passed over Relatives and Friends who can all offer you guidance and direction.
Roenel Evans is just such a gifted person.
Roenel is internationally acclaimed and using your name and date of birth she can give you a detailed account of your life past, present and future including guidelines that will help you manifest the abundance you deserve.
This is where you get very lucky, and remember this has come to you because at some time you put the thought out into the universe, Roenel is giving you this opportunity without you having to leave your home.
Get your personal reading INCLUDING the opportunity to ask her 3 specific, personal, questions of your choice.
YES! I am interested!
Have you ever had an encounter with a true psychic?
Did you know psychic’s can connect with the Angels, Ascendant Masters, Guides, Your Higher Self and Passed over Relatives and Friends who can all offer you guidance and direction.
Roenel Evans is just such a gifted person.
Roenel is internationally acclaimed and using your name and date of birth she can give you a detailed account of your life past, present and future including guidelines that will help you manifest the abundance you deserve.
This is where you get very lucky, and remember this has come to you because at some time you put the thought out into the universe, Roenel is giving you this opportunity without you having to leave your home.
Get your personal reading INCLUDING the opportunity to ask her 3 specific, personal, questions of your choice.
YES! I am interested!
Opportunity Knocks
How would you like to add your own contribution to this publication?
That’s right you heard me, what we have done for you is to give you the opportunity to share your knowledge on any one of a number of topics.
You know something other people, just like you, are dying to learn, why not share, 2 things are guaranteed to happen.
1. The universe will bless you for sharing.
2. You will have your very own web page that you can share with family and friends. (They will also have an opportunity to make a comment on your submission)
What is your passion, can you tell us something about your experience with Crystals, or about the Angels how have they changed your life, do you practice or have you had an experience with Reiki you would like to share, or have you read a book or purchased a product that have affected you and you would like others to know about.
This is your chance – go for it!
Would you like to see someone else’s page? Look here!
https://www.healing-journeys-energy.com – Your Place to Be!
Useful Links
The Energy Healers Supply Store: An ever increasing collection of valuable tools for the healer, these tools are unique to this store as they are crafted by us, for you.
The Sedona Method: Change your mind – Change your reality! It’s that simple, tried tested and proven.
I Create Reality: Add the power of “Holograms” to your arsenal of abundance tools. As you create the reality in your mind so it will manifest in your life.
The Library: An ever growing collection of tools, books and more for your exclusive use.
https://www.healing-journeys-energy.com – Your Place to Be!
Your turn to give!
We are sure you know someone who would appreciate getting this magazine.
Take a moment and hit the "forward"button and send it on, you will be blessed.
https://www.healing-journeys-energy.com – Your Place to Be!
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