10 Crystals for Health and Harmony

by Karen Ryan , Crystal Energy Therapist


When I was approached to write an article for New Earth Publications on crystals for teenagers, Spirit asked me to focus on areas where teens need healing tools to deal with certain personal health and harmony issues. Spirit and I selected the following 10 issues that are relevant. There are some suggestions on how to use the crystals as well as a listing of recommended crystals that can be used to alleviate symptoms. Of course, adults, children and even seniors may also benefit from these crystals.

1. Trouble Sleeping

Sleeplessness often comes because our minds are troubled by what has happened during the day. We lie awake still running the activities through like an endless movie. Sleep disturbances such as bad dreams and nightmares can make us afraid to sleep or will wake us up in the middle of the night with further difficulty falling asleep again. Crystals help to regulate mental activity and calm extra energy down. Select one of the recommended crystals below and place the crystal on your chest for about 10-15 minutes before sleeping or sleep with the crystal tucked under your pillow. Don’t be concerned if it rolls off in the middle of the night. You can retrieve it in the morning.

Recommended Crystals: Sodalite, Blue Lace Agate, Rose Quartz, Amethyst.

2. Unsettled Feelings/Feeling Off Center

Feeling weird or unbalanced is not uncommon but it can be unsettling and distracting. As intuition begins to develop at new and higher levels, there can be imbalances and even conflict between the psychic-intuitive function and emotions and feelings as you grow towards adulthood. The “Teen Brain” also makes many changes. Teens on the path of intuitive development will often need the recommended crystals to center themselves and to help ground their energies so they can be used more effectively in day-to-day living. Wear the crystal by itself at the Heart Chakra as needed for best effect.

Recommended Crystals: Lapis Lazuli, Selenite, Herkimer Diamond, Clear Quartz Cluster or Double-Terminated Clear Quartz Crystal.

3. Fears

There are many reasons why people have fear. There are many different types of fears such as fear of being in a closed space (claustrophobia), stage fright, fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of the unknown. None of these are easy to deal with. Crystals can help with most fears. Wearing crystals over a long time will help reduce the severity of fear and nervousness. Wear the crystals for several days before engaging in a known event that you scares you. Hold the crystal in your hand for deeper effect. Put your fears into the crystal and let the crystal energy work with you.

Recommended Crystals: Petrified Wood, Aquamarine, Sugilite, Sodalite, Amber, Apache Tear.

4. Stomach and Indigestion

Aside from any medical issues, indigestion sometimes occurs because you are not eating well. You eat bad food. You have a sour stomach from eating too late or not regularly enough. You may have bad nerves that jangle your digestive system. Crystals can help to settle down the digestive system. Wear the crystal or hold it over the solar plexus and move the crystal in a wide circle over the whole tummy area for 3-5 minutes.

Recommended Crystals: Yellow Calcite, Dolomite, Green Fluorite, Amber, White Agate.

5. Breathing, Asthma, Allergies and Colds

The breath is critical to life. Sometimes there are situations that cause restriction to breathing, sometimes from anxiety or from colds and allergies. Holding the crystal in front of you about 10 inches from your Heart chakra, focus on the crystal and breath in and out as though you were taking the breath from the crystal and giving it back.Continue this circular breath slowly for a few minutes. Repeat as needed. For longer term effects, wear the crystal daily for several weeks.

Recommended Crystals: Amazonite, Green or Purple Fluorite, Jade, Amazonite, Clear Quartz.

6. Headaches

Headaches and head pain can be triggered through situational events such as an argument, hormonal imbalances, or sensory or energy overload. Whenever there is excess energy in the head and blocked energy pathways, the energy builds up and causes pressure, often felt physically. An easy solution is to open the pathway on top of the head using crystals to allow for the excess energy to leave. Hold the crystal about 2 inches over the center of the head. Hold the crystal steady for a few minutes to open the Crown chakra and related energy pathways. Then slowly move the crystal up a few more inches and continue to hold it above the top of your head. Breath in and out to help the energy leave. This technique has been very successful for many people with headaches going away within a few minutes. It takes some training on this technique to be effective for migraine sufferers.

Recommended Crystals: Amethyst, Sugilite, Clear Quartz.

7. Crying, Grief

Sometimes sadness arrives with little control over when, where and how it will be expressed. We all have emotional upsets, losses and traumas that affect us emotionally. Grief is natural and is both a cleansing process and a healing process that provides direction for change. Crystals help to support the process by keeping our Hearts open for healing and our feet on the ground so we can continue despite the grief. If sadness has visited you, wear any of these comforting crystals. The last two crystals, Apache Tear and Smokey Quartz are best for severe loss and if worn briefly during the beginning stages of grieving. Give these crystals your energy. They will help you emotionally cope with change.

Recommended Crystals: Rose Quartz, Clear Quartz, Jade, Amber, Apache Tear, Smokey Quartz.

8. Self-Esteem

Low self-esteem is caused by thinking of yourself in a negative way such as being a failure or as having self-doubt in your own abilities. There are a number of crystals that help support a person and provide both nurturing and healing at many levels. Orange Carnelian is an especially powerful crystal that heals past psychological wounds and a wounded Heart. It is also very good for skin complaints such as acne, pimples and roseasia. This crystal and the others suggested are best when worn all the time at the Heart chakra over a long period of time (months) to help stabilize new positive healing energies and to provide nurturing to a depleted energy system. Others may notice you brighter outlook even before you do!

Recommended Crystals: Carnelian, Amethyst, Rose Quartz.

9. Memory and Logic

Who wouldn’t want a crystal to provide improved mathematical abilities and to increase memory ? The recommended crystals help to provide precision, the ability to see relationships between things and to provide a coordinated response to problem solving. The recommended crystal aren’t usually worn on the body so the best way to use them is to hold them in your hand and gaze at them, sleep with them next to you or keep them on your desk when you study to enhance your recall of information. The crystals will help de-clutter and restructure your left brain where logic abilities reside.

Recommended Crystals: Pyrite, Purple Fluorite, Geodes or Ocho slices.

10. Spiritual Upliftment, Meditation

Lastly, there are many specialized crystals that help support the development of psychic abilities and spiritual connections. These types of crystals tend to be transparent or highly reflective of light. They also have a greater ability to hold Light. Labradorite for instance is a dense opaque crystal but has a deep luminescence with all the colors of the rainbow! Crystals used for spiritual attainment are often highly evolved crystals themselves. They open a person’s highest spiritual centers and often have some folklore about their benefits or history associated to them. Wear them or hold them in your hands for meditation. For a deep journey, place them on your 3rd Eye in the middle of your forehead.

Recommended Crystals: Celestite, Apophyllite, Selenite, Labradorite, Moldavite, Golden or Blue Topaz.

The Last Word:

Please experiment with the crystals as each one has a different purpose for each type of person. Let your intuition guide you to select the right one. Remember to periodically cleanse your crystals and to re-charge them in the sun4. May you enjoy the healing benefits of all crystals!


1. http://www.galleries.com/minerals/silicate/zeolites.htm. - on Zeolite crystals.

2. http://www.nasa.gov/centers/marshall/news/background/facts/zeolites.html - NASA experiment on crystals grown in space.

3. Love is in the Earth: A Kaleidoscope of Crystals, by Melody, Earth-Love Publishing House, Ltd. – a reference book for the healing qualities of many crystals.

4. http://www.crystaltiger.com/sa02005.html - How to Clean, Cleanse, Charge, Activate and Program Your Crystal, by Karen Ryan, 2002.


Any medical issues should be referred to the best competent medical professional available. This article is for information purposes only and no medical advice is intended.

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