Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning "wheel"; resembling a spinning vortex of energy, a vibrating cosmic light, that brings physical form into being.
Did you know that you can transform your life by knowing and understanding the role that your chakras play in your general health and well-being?
When you heal dis-ease holistically, you always work to affect the flow of energy because when energy flows freely through the whole body it creates harmony and releases the dis-ease.
Your chakras and energy support your physical form. Thereby through balancing your chakras and improving the flow of energy you create change from the core, which is your energy system, to the periphery, which is your physical body.
It is generally and commonly accepted that you have:
Chakra balancing affirmations are an excellent way to start working on your whole energy system.
Your chakras:
All your problems - spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical - are caused by the inability to radiate energy freely due to blockages in your energy system.
The energy that radiates from these energy vortexes keep your heart beating, they cause you to take life giving breaths as well as setting your thoughts and emotions in motion.
Your chakras also fluctuate from day to day in response to what you experience and to your ability to deal with these experiences.
It is important to note that your ability to deal with a situation does depend upon the initial condition of each of these energy vortexes.
If your chakras are in balance, meaning that they are open and flowing, you are capable of dealing effectively with whatever comes your way.
But alas, when they are blocked or out of balance, this ability to deal is impaired because your perspective is restricted by the condition of the energy centre.
Learning how to work with your chakras CAN and WILL balance and energize your body, mind and spirit enabling you to totally transform your life.
You will find courage where you knew only fear, confidence will replace low self-worth and you will rest in the joy of self-love.
... Is A Key For You To Unfold Many Of Your Lifes Secrets ... they reflect what is happening in your life at a ...
Spiritually your energy centres are very significant for they form a ladder from the limitations of the earth plane and the physical realms to the freedom and liberation that awaits you beyond.
The actual functions and attributes of these energy vortexes with regard to your physical body is an involved topic, many complex claims are put forth in this regard. Generally though, there is an overlapping and sharing of functions amongst the energy centers.
The description of the functions of these energy centers is also not simply physiological, but psychological as well. Hence, when discussing their functions we are relating physiological functions with psychological behaviors.
Generally speaking however, the three lower energy centers (the root, sacral and solar plexus) associates with the basic primary needs, those of survival, procreation and will, and have a larger physiological component to their functioning.
The four higher energy centers (the heart, throat and third eye) are more related to our psychological makeup and are more advanced, more mature, defining love, communication and knowledge; the crown centre is purely spiritual, providing the connection to the Universe beyond or Source.
Chakra Balancing, working with and healing your chakras will enable energy to flow more freely through your body.
When the energy flows more freely through your body many ailments can be released which causes healing on a physical level since you are addressing the cause of your ailment at its root, on an energetic level.
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