Healing Properties of Color - ROYGBIV -


Know the Healing Properties of Color, which colors affect you and how?

ROYGBIV - Click on the colors below for more information on the individual Properties of Healing with Color.

Colors have been attributed with various healing properties and ROYGBIV is a mnemonic for the sequence of hues in the visible color spectrum and in rainbows, the essence of color energy and healing. Each letter stands for a color in the rainbow in the correct order.

The R in ROYGBIV stands for RED, the O for ORANGE, the Y for YELLOW, the G for GREEN, the B for BLUE, the I for INDIGO and the V for VIOLET. Have some fun and see how colors can change when viewed on different backgrounds and in different shades... SEE FUN WITH COLOR.

The Healing Properties of Color can be used...

...to set a mood, attract attention or make a statement. You can use color to energize, or to cool down.

The Healing Properties of Color can be used in specific ways to bring about healing and transformation. When used properly, color can bring change on the physical, mental, and emotional levels.

In "The Color Course - The Diversity of Color Healing" you will learn that just as our bodies need food and water to survive it also needs color or light to balance and energize because color is light and light is an essential nutrient to all life.

Wikipedia: ROYGBIV is a mnemonic for the sequence of hues in the visible spectrum and in rainbows. A rainbow spans a continuous spectrum of colors; the distinct bands are an artifact of human color vision. In ROYGBIV, the colors are arranged in the order of decreasing wavelengths, with red being 650 nm and violet being about 400 nm.

Another traditional mnemonic device has been to turn the initial letters of seven spectral colors into a sentence. In England the most common is "Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain."

Color Healing Exercise

Colour has a profound effect on us on all levels, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual... READ MORE...

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> Healing Properties of Color

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