Space Clearing with Color

By Space Clearing with color according to "Judith Collins in her book The Colour of Life" your surroundings can be deeply cleaned and your space returned to a harmonious and resonant state because the atmosphere in every home or office is impregnated with the thoughts, feelings and expressions of the people who have spent time there.

Emotions can linger well after a physical presence has gone.

Think back. Have you ever walked into anempty room and immediately felt uncomfortable? Or have you walked into a house and immediately felt welcomed?

The Power of Thought

Colored Lights

What you have experienced is negative and positive thoughts, born from the interactions of human auras with the atmosphere in the home or office. These impressions may uplift or depress you.

We are not talking about haunted houses or offices here, only loved or wounded ones.

Space clearing with color can be used to restore these wounded spaces, it is a specialized practice of energetic clearing that harmonizes and balances the flow of energy in spaces at very deep levels.

Space Clearing with Color

  • Place a mirror of any size in each corner of the room.
  • Place a lamp stand on the floor in the centre of the room.
  • Affix an appropriately coloured light bulb and switch on for the required period as outlined below.
Feelings in the Atmosphere Color-Cleansing Light
Tortured Emotions Blue light for 4 hours and White light for 3 hours
Troubled Relationships Blue light for 4 hours and Green light for 3 hours
Eradication of Sickness Green light for 3 hours and Yellow light for 4 hours
Trapped Spirits Blue light for 3 hours and Purple light for 4 hours

Those locked into the home-rental cycle have a tendency to change residence more frequently than others and therefore also tend to encounter a barrage of thought forms more often.

This simple technique of space clearing with color helps to establish a personal space as your own and is essential for your wellbeing and personal advancement.

Discover Healing with Color

Incredible as it might seem... Color Healing plays an important role in getting and staying healthy...

In "The Color Course - The Diversity of Color Healing" you will learn that just as our bodies need food and water to survive it also needs color or light to balance and energize because color is light and light is an essential nutrient to all life.

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> > Space Clearing with Color

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