"Powerful Gem Elixir Recipes For You"

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Here is a recipe chart of the some powerful healing gem elixir recipes that I have collected from various sources over the years.

As with all the crystal energies trust your intuition and use what feels right for you at the time.

These particular crystal essences are predominantly used for emotional healing but one may use the appropriate gem elixir recipe for any other purpose as well, check in with your intuition and the crystal guide to give you a better idea of which one of the crystal essences or gem elixirs will be best at the time.

Before making any of the following gem elixirs by direct method see the list of potentially toxic and harmful crystals. If in doubt use the indirect method or place the crystals around or outside of the container.

"My Collection Of Gem Elixir Recipes"

Crystal Healing Properties
Agate Used to gently stabilize and cleanse.
Amber Used for despair, ready to assist you in removing obstacles, real and imaginary; also for aura protection.
Amethyst Used for those who strongly resist any interference with their freedom to make their own decisions and plans, for balancing and self protection. It also raises vibration to more spiritual level.
Aquamarine Use for over enthusiasm, tenseness, stress and strain. It brings a calm, quiet clarity to an over active mental body and increases one's ability to achieve a neutral, serene state of mind.
Aventurine Helps with mental rigidity, high mindedness, pride and aloofness. Strengthens and stabilizes us during growth experiences; helps us move into and through new experiences with grace, stamina and perseverance; good for spiritual trailblazers and pioneers.
Black Tourmaline Helps us exchange old unwanted energies for fresh, clean, neutral energy; a precision tool for the release of toxic energy from the mind, emotions, and especially the physical body. Use for protection and grounding and for restlessness.
Bloodstone Strengthens our connection to the earth; brings a stronger flow of earth energies stability after trauma or emotional upset. For those who demand unquestioning affection.
Blue Lace Agate To enhance inspiration.
Carnelian Increases the etheric body's ability to access spiritual energy; energizes and clears the energetic interface between the etheric body and the meridians allowing a greater flow of energy to the meridians. Also helps moving through those basement issues, repairing.
Chalcedony This one of the gem elixir recipes to use to balance energy on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels.
Citrine Use to point you in the right direction by balancing and stimulating
Diamond Harmonizes divine and personal will; helps us activate personal will in its highest form; strengthens our ability to act in alignment with divine purpose.
Emerald A universal heart cleanser and balancer; energies of the Divine Mother and the Divine Feminine; gently coaxes the heart to open to allow a greater experience of love in the physical body.
Fluorite As far as gem elixir recipes go this one works to bring increased energies into the physical body by breaking up blockages in the etheric body.
Garnet Works to remove negativity and stimulate the flow of new ideas.
Gold Enables us to access and bring forth into physical reality the highest aspects of our personal identity; helps us tap into our inner truth, joy, and wisdom as a source of creative power.
Green Jasper Reconnects body rhythms with earthly rhythms when there has been a disruption to the natural flow; helps us connect to the wild feminine; restores earthly sensuality and healthy sexuality.
Jade For those who require help in being realistic about their ideals. For becoming the practical mystic a vibration of peace, balance, and timeless simplicity; helps us stay centered in the moment with an awareness and acceptance of our true essence.
Lapis Lazuli Amplifies the ability to hear information from physical and non-physical sources; clears confusion between hearing and knowing. Also used to enhance spiritual development, promoting self-awareness and honesty.
Moonstone Cleanses and circulates energy in the emotional body; increases feminine energy and intuition in women and men for those who feel threatened by their environment. Use for the reckless spending of money.
Opal Use for opening the gate of the imagination.
Pearl Promotes the release of layers of irritation in the mental and emotional bodies that are seen in the physical body as hardness and inflexibility; helps one turn antagonism for oneself or one's illness into awareness and acceptance for emotional excitement associated with fear. Awakens compassion.
Petrified Wood One of my favorite gem elixir recipes to use for calming and grounding.
Quartz Clear For protection against adverse environmental influences. To unify, expand your horizons and become whole.
Rose Quartz For lack of self discipline. Fear of responsibility. Love and inner peace opens, softens and soothes the heart; helps one connect to and nurture the inner child; harmonizes the heart forces so one is able to maintain intimacy with oneself and others.
Quartz Rutilated For those who overemphasize sensuous luxury. Promotes precision alignment with higher sources of energy and inspiration helps us physically anchor the ability to access, synthesize, and communicate information from other dimensions.
Quartz Smoky For fear of emotional interaction with others. Grounding and calming; synchronizes body energy with earth energy; regulates and stabilizes the detoxification of unwanted energies from the physical, emotional, and mental bodies.
Ruby Supports the ability to ground spiritual energy into the physical body; works with the lower chakras to awaken higher impersonal love.
Sapphire Devotion to divine purpose; helps synchronize our energy system with our higher purpose; intensifies the qualities of loyalty and responsibility to our true work on the planet.
Star Sapphire Promotes trust in the universe; helps us focus our awareness on what is necessary for the soul's progression in life; supports the formation of energetic connections that support the realization of our life goals.
Sugilite Brings depth and a physical richness to our spiritual lives; helps us physically manifest a warmer, more feminine quality of spirituality; promotes an easy acceptance of rather than a hard striving for the spiritual realm.
Sodalite For overcoming a desire for inappropriate action. For rage and a need for negative attention.
Tigers Eye For those who are afraid of success. Self empowerment; strengthens the energetic boundary between our true natures and our emotional experiences; helps us maintain a strong sense of self identity when dealing with powerful emotions such as anger, fear, and jealousy.
Topaz Assists in joyfully showing us another way, releasing creativity and the ability to trust ourselves.
Tourmaline Use to balance out those fears and restore self confidence.

I have used the above gem elixir recipes with great success in my healing practice.


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