Healing Journeys Welcome You

Energy Healing Courses Energy Shop
With these Energy Healing Courses you obtain a clear understanding of what energy healing is, how it works and how you can make it work for you in a personal or professional fashion.
HJE Energy Healing Academy - Home Study Courses
Now available - Energy Healing Home Study Courses online, YOU CAN LEARN HOW TO HEAL YOURSELF and OTHERS simply and effectively!!
Energy Healing Charts for the Healer.
This collection of "have to have" Energy Healing Charts was created for YOU the Energy Healer as a quick & easy reference.
Vibrational Energy Healing - Master Practitioners Diploma
Master Practitioners Diploma – Vibrational Energy Healing, a complete study package to become a Master Practitioner in Vibrational Energy Healing.
Energy Healing School / Academy
Graduate from HJE Energy healing School / Academy and achive life changing goals.
Energy Healing Freebies For You to Have & Share
Energy Healing Freebies - Explore this treasure trove, all for you, legit and no credit cards required whatsoever.
Free Energy Healing Tools
A library of FREE and exclusive energy healing tools including a free numerology calculator.
Free Energy Healing Course
I am giving you a FREE Energy Healing Course ... own your health YOU DESERVE IT!
Angels 101 - Frequently Asked Questions
Everything about Angels, The FAQ and SEARCH ENGINE
Angel Healing with the Heavenly Angels.
Angel healing with the heavenly is an alternative healing concept involving communication and/or connecting with angels and archangels.
Archangels - Heavenly Helpers!
The Archangels only a call away and waiting to join their energy with yours for a dynamic healing. With their unlimited power there is nothing you can not achieve.
Gentle Angels & Healing Energy
Not only have we all heard about Gentle Angels and their Healing Angel Energy but we've been completely fascinated by them for centuries.
Hierarchy of Angels - Angel Network.
The Hierarchy of Angels is also referred to as the Angel Network & includes the Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels and Angels.
Shop - Angel Healing Courses
Shop for Angel Healing Courses and go on to feel close to the Archangels and their incredible power!
Aura 101 - FAQ
Aura 101, your most frequently asked questions answered.
Your Aura as part of your Energy Body
Understanding your Aura, how it defines your personality, perception, direction in life and it's influence on your health and who you are.
Your Aura and Color - Unlock the Secret!
Your Aura and Color, it not only reflects your emotions but also has significance on a physical, mental and spiritual level.
Chakras 101 - FAQ
You and Your Chakras are one. Balance them for Life
Chakra Power - Unlock the Secrets of your Chakras!
Your every chakra is a key to unfolding many of life's secrets, they reflect what is happening in your life at a personal, emotional, mental and spiritual level.
Shop - Energy Healing Courses
Shop for Energy Healing Courses to learn all about your Energy Body.
Crystal Healing - FAQ & Search
Everything about Healing Crystals & Crystal Healing in One Place Including SEARCH.
Crystal Healing is for You.
Learn all about Crystal Healing and how to harness the energies of healing crystals to heal yourself & others; it will change your life.
Cleansing Crystals & Crystal Care for Positive Healing Energies
Cleansing crystals is, by general consensus, very important and caring for your healing crystals is as important as caring for any living creature.
Uses for Crystals from Healing to Decorating
Have you ever wondered what the different uses for crystals and their healing powers, properties and abilities can be in your life?
Shop - Crystal Healing Courses
Shop for Crystal Healing Courses and become a Crystal Healing Practitioner.
Color Healing 101 - FAQ
Physical color in the environment affects us om many levels including our moods, our relationships and well being.
Healing Properties of Color - ROYGBIV the Key -
Learn more about the Healing Properties of Color. ROYGBIV the essence of color energy and healing.
Healing with Color
Healing with color is very powerful and effective because color is a living energy whose power affects us on all levels.
Using Color to Heal - FREE Techniques.
Experiment with using color to heal and colour healing exercises to vitalize and magnetize the body with color. You are a rainbow of color and your body needs certain vibrations in order to be healthy.
Shop - Color Healing Courses
Shop for Color Healing Courses and you will improve your knowledge and your reputation as a healer!
Reiki Healing 101 - FAQ
Reiki therapy involves the transferral of healing energy from the Reiki practitioner to the receiver.
Reiki Healing Energy - Transform your Life.
Reiki Healing uses universal life force energy, the power which acts, flows and lives in all living things. Without it, we die.
Shop - Reiki Healing Courses
Join the hundreds that have completed these downloadable home study Reiki Healing 1,2 and Masters Courses and you will, as they have, become Reiki Masters!
Affirmations - FAQ
Everything about Affirmations, The FAQ and SEARCH ENGINE
Your Body Language - Understand Today!
Your body language is unique. To understand your body's language you have to understand that your consciousness is divided into three parts.
Meridians - Your Life-Force Energy Highway.
Meridians are the channels which carry your life-force, or Ki, around your body and is the energy equivalent of the arteries and veins which carry your blood around your body.
Candle Healing Energy.
Candles have been used in religion, for candle healing and for metaphysical purposes for about as long as fire has been around.
Space Clearing - Your Physical Space, Your Aura & Chakras.
Space Clearing is not limited to purely physical sapce & designed to cleanse out negative vibrations raising the energy & vibrations in your space.
Meditation Benefits Your Health
Meditation benefits your health in various ways. Even though meditation is still a relatively new field of study for scientists, the practice of meditation is ancient.
Aromatherapy a delicate combination of Art and Science
Aromatherapy is an ancient therapeutic art and science of blending essential oils & using the oils in treatment to enhance psychological and physical well-being.
Homeopathy - a Natural Alternative to Self Healing.
Discover the Benifits of Homeopathy - a Natural Safe Alternative to Self Healing.
Essential Energy Healing
Essential Energy Healing directly influences your physical, mental, emotional & spiritual levels, making this the holistic natural approach.
Healthy Relationships Revealed
Healthy Relationships are important to create and maintain for you as a member of the society, since strong healthy and positive relationships are essential for you to achieve a happy, healthy and successful life.
Your Words Have Power - Use Them Wisely!
YOU, YES YOU, your words have power, tremendous power, more power than any man made weapon.
Law of Attraction - Search & FAQ
The Law of Attraction will work for you, Discover How.
Healing Articles by Elmarie.
This page is dedicated to giving you easy access to Healing Articles written by me, discussing Healing, Reiki, Crystals, etc.
Healing Power of Energy - Words of Wisdom
Discover the healing power of energy - Join the Energy Healing Circle and receive your FREE copy of my ezine - W.O.W
Inspiration for the Soul.
Inspiration quotations, stories and articles on attitude and outlook, enthusiasm, happiness, hope and dreams, life, love ...
Abundance with SBI.
Combine your Passion with The Web and Choose your Life Style