Reiki Level One or Reiki First Degree opens the door to transforming yourself and your life and could be your first step to becoming a powerful Reiki Master.
This level has a strong focus on yourself, your body and your energy system.
This does not mean that you are incapable of helping others. Far from it, your Reiki Level One One attunement enables you to be of greater service to others and to facilitate very real healing in others.
This is your first step into Reiki, here I will teach you the basics, the foundation onto which you can build.
The Reiki Level One forms the base onto which we together are going to build your energy levels up to where you will become an adept at the skills of Reiki Energy Healing, be that just for yourself, your family, friends pets ar even to help mother earth.
All of these options, and many more will become available to you.
You will also receive full certification on completion of this home study course from HJE School of Energy Healing.
The Human Energy Field
As we discussed earlier, what we perceive as a physical body made up of tiny physical molecules is, in truth, one aspect of an energy system.
The Aura
The aura is an energy field of changing patterns that completely surrounds all living things. Auras and chakras interplay with each other.
It's through the chakras that the physical body communicates with its aura and vice-versa.
You are not just a physical body with an aura surrounding you, rather, your aura and physical body are one unit that integrate and make up the whole you.
The aura is composed of many layers, like an onion, with an inner layer closest to the body.
The different aura layers has different energy vibrations or frequencies and make up the physical, etheric, astral, mental, causal, and spiritual aspects of the multidimensional human form.
Each layer represents a different part of a person's consciousness. The inner layer is connected to the physical body followed by higher layers relating to the emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects.
All of your thoughts and feelings, both conscious and unconscious, as well as the energies flowing through the physical body create your aura. Your state of health is affected by the condition and health of your aura.
Many feel that the original cause of both illness and health originates from the aura by penetrating its protective shell. Treating the aura first with Reiki is an important part of a healing session.
It is easy to become aware of your own aura by doing various simple exercises. Using the Reiki hand position is one way to feel your aura.
By energizing it with Reiki, your aura will become more powerful, making it easier to feel. Sensitives and clairvoyants can feel and or see the auric field of others.
A personal message from Elmarie
I so look forward to having you join me on this magical Reiki self-healing journey.
As your Reiki Master any help and guidance that you may need will be given to you even after your attunement has been done and your certificate issued.
My support and advice is available to you for as long as you need it.
I look forward to your attunement and to hand over your certificate from HJE School of Energy Healing.
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You also get a set of Reiki Level 1 Charts absolutely FREE for you to download.
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