Reiki Level Two provides a quantum leap in vibratory level, at least four times greater than First Degree and the symbols are activated at this point.
In Reiki Level Two I will be introduce you to your first three symbols and teach you how to use these symbols to intensify your energy flow, protect yourself, and facilitate mental and emotional healing.
These Reiki symbols attune you to very specific Reiki energy frequencies and will also use in absentee and long-distance healings.
I will also be teach you such techniques as scanning, beaming and manifesting.
In Reiki Level Two we focus on using Reiki to heal others.
With Reiki Level Two you begin to expand your awareness to those around you.
You will receive from me your Reiki Level Two attunement, with which you are empowered to begin practicing as a Reiki practitioner.
This attunement is generally regarded as the minimum requirement for a person to begin practicing as a Reiki practitioner.
Significance of Reiki 2 Attunement
The Second Degree Attunement transforms us by:
- Raising the vibration in our four-body system, Physical, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual.
- Generating a quantum leap in intuitive awareness.
- Giving a powerful boost to the development of Third Eye energy through the pituitary gland.
- Creating a clear and conscious connection with the Higher Self.
- Evolving our being to a higher, more receptive level of channelling energy.
- "Turning on" the ability to use the Sacred Reiki Symbols.
The Second Degree Reiki cleansing cycle:
- A 21 day process generated by the intense influx of Light entering us.
- A release of old ego and negative patterns.
- Helped if we embrace the process and are prepared to shift, grow and awaken on many levels.
Post Attunement cleansing process
Once you receive an attunement, your energy vibration or frequency will shift and intensify. You might notice a change or shift instantly, or it will be a gradual shift with an accumulative effect.
The attunement starts a cleansing process that can affect the physical body as well as the mind and emotions.
Toxins that have been stored in the body may be released along with feelings and thought patterns that are no longer useful.
This does not always take place right after a Reiki attunement, but, when it does, it is important to understand what is happening so you can support its completion.
You did not get into your present situation overnight, change takes time. Reiki will help the evolution of that process and transformation.
When changes do take place, you may need more rest, or need to spend more quiet time contemplating your life and any changes you might need to make to support a healthier lifestyle.
This period of adjustment is necessary so that the body and various parts of your life become accustomed to healthier new conditions. You will start the self-healing process where it is needed most.
A personal message from Elmarie
I so look forward to having you join me on this magical Reiki journey to becoming a Reiki Practitioner.
As your Reiki Master any help and guidance that you may need will be given to you even after your attunement has been done and your certificate issued.
My support and advice is available to you for as long as you need it.
I look forward to your attunement and to hand over your certificate from HJE School of Energy Healing.
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You also get a set of Reiki Level 2 Charts absolutely FREE for you to download.
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