For the trained Reiki healer use of the Reiki Crystal Grid can be of tremendous help in healing as you can send continuous, enhanced, Reiki Healing Energy to anyone who needs it.
A Reiki Session is limited by time; to extend the healing time for your client a Reiki Gemstone Grid can be used which will ensure that the healing does not stop until your client no longer has a need for the Reiki Energy.
A Reiki Crystal Grid, fully discussed in Reiki 3 - Master Healer Course, are also great to use while doing "Distant Healing Sessions" with the same advantage of ongoing Reiki Energy until the need no longer exists.
The continuously running Reiki Grid be created to help heal and also to protect or even to manifest.
The Reiki grid can help to support any goal, intention or desire you may have, the combinations are endless, depending only on your purpose for the grid.
Your first step is to decide what the Reiki Crystal Grid is for?
Since it will amplify your feelings, thoughts, and intentions, its crucial you have a very clear focus or intention.
If you have any fears, doubts, guilt, or other emotions that could potentially disrupt your desired outcome, call upon Archangel Jophiel to help you attain a positive outlook. The Archangels can be used very effectively to enhance your grid and you can learn much more about each Archangel and how to use them in your healing work.
Your Intention
Your first step would be to decide what you want the Reiki Grid to empower - this step is very similar to building a Crystal Grid.
Next you will need a representation of that goal, person or situation that you want to direct the energy towards. If it's a goal or situation, then write it down, in the present tense and positively, on a piece of paper. If it's for a person, a picture works well with a positive affirmation written in the present moment on the back of the picture.
I would also suggest that you add to your written affirmation or goal the following or a similar statement ~ for the highest and greatest good of all ~
Your Requirements
Here again step 2 is exactly the same as when building a Crystal Grid - to create your Reiki Crystal Grid you will need:
I find that using Clear Quartz crystal points (single or double) works exceptionally well in most situations. If you feel the need to choose different crystals, make sure that you choose seven of the same kind and of even sizes and one Clear Quartz point.
Choose your crystals with care and sensitivity keeping their intended purpose in mind, allow your intuition to guide you.
Cleanse your crystals before use them on your Reiki Crystal Grid.
As well as any other cleansing methods, you can also cleanse your crystals with water and Reiki - hold the crystal with the finger tips of both hands and let the tap water flow over the crystal while imagining the white or violet light of Reiki cleansing it and removing all negative energy.
This can be done by placing them part way in the earth, the tips pointing up if using Clear Quartz points, during the three days of the full moon.
Make sure that the light of the sun and moon will shine on them. Set your intention that the creative forces of the earth, sun and moon will assist you in your highest spiritual purpose.
I recommend that you use a space that you will have easy access to but where the Reiki Crystal Grid will not be moved or disturbed. You could use an altar or a sacred place in your home on a desk top or shelf. Cleanse and clear the space using the principals of space clearing.
If you have chosen Clear Quartz points, select the Clear Quartz point that feel to have the strongest energy.
On the other hand if you have chosen different crystals a Clear Quartz point should be your master charging crystal (Centre of the Grid).
Crystals can receive and hold thought forms and projecting these thought forms into the crystal consciously, is called programming. The term "programming" is used since this process is similar to computer programming because the information or commands are stored in the molecular structure of the quartz crystal as magnetic charged data. Thought forms are pictures and/or other sensory data that is powered or intensified by emotion.
As you do this, ask that your highest spiritual guides attune to the crystal so as to assist you.
When using Clear Quartz single terminated points, points face to the middle. See diagram below.
1st crystal on the red X top left. |
2nd crystal on the green X top right. |
3rd crystal on the blue X middle right. |
4th crystal on the orange X bottom right. |
5th crystal on the pink X bottom left. |
6th crystal on the brown X middle left. |
7th crystal on the black X in the middle with point facing the first placed crystal on the red X. |
After the crystals are in position, do not move them as this will weaken their energy connection.
Diagram 1 (go here to print out this diagram)
All crystals are now in position, your representation of what you want to energize and empower is in place and you have you master crystal charged.
N.B. - Keeping your intention for your Reiki Crystal Grid in mind, ask your highest guides as well as the angels and archangels to work with you in charging your Reiki Crystal Grid.
Starting at nr.1 in the Centre
From nr. 1 | Centre go to Top Left | to nr 2 Red |
From nr. 2 | Straight across Right | to nr 3 Blue |
From nr. 3 | Down to the Centre | to nr 4 Red |
From nr. 4 | Up to the Top Right | to nr 5 Blue |
From nr. 5 | Down to Middle Right | to nr.6 Red |
From nr. 6 | Left to the Centre | to nr.7 Blue |
From nr.7 | Centre Right to Middle | to nr.8 Red |
From nr. 8 | Down to Bottom Right | to nr.9 Blue |
From nr. 9 | Up to the Centre | to nr.10 Red |
From nr. 10 | Down to Bottom Right | to nr.11 Blue |
From nr. 11 | Straight across Left | to nr.12 Red |
From nr. 12 | Up to the Centre | to nr.13 Blue |
From nr. 13 | Down Left | to nr.14 Red |
From nr. 14 | Up to the Middle Left | to nr.15 Blue |
From nr. 15 | Right to the Centre | to nr.16 Red |
From nr. 16 | Left to Middle | to nr.17 Blue |
From nr. 17 | Go Up | to nr.18 Red |
As you do this, repeat an affirmation/mantra of power, such as:
"I empower this grid with light, with light, with light, to heal, to heal, to heal.
I empower this grid with love, with love, with love and wisdom, wisdom, wisdom, to heal, to heal, to heal.
I call on my highest spiritual guides now to attune this grid of light, light, light, to heal, to heal, to heal, with love, with love, with love."
Again feel free to use your creative intuition to create empowering affirmations or mantras that feel right for you.
Diagram 2 (go here to print this diagram)
You are now done; this Reiki Crystal Grid will run continuously until interrupted or until its purpose is fulfilled.
If you need to move the Reiki Crystal Grid for any reason you will have to start at the beginning again.
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