Angels Help on a Snowy Morning

by Kathie
(Uxbridge, MA USA)

This morning I awoke to a snowy day which looked beautiful from the window but offered a treacherous and stressful drive to work.

As my car slipped and skidded on the highway I tried to stay calm until, even at the slow speed I was driving, my car began to slide sideways and off to the side of the road.

A police car was not far behind and stopped just behind me. An officer got out and helped me get my car back on the highway.

After thanking him, I asked the angels for help. "Please," I asked, "I need some road that doesn't have so much snow on it so my tires can get some traction." and within the next 10 to 20 feet I found the road had been plowed.

As I got closer to work, the quality of the plowing got worse again.

The building in which I work is on a hill and whenever there is snow, it is questionable if my car will make it up either of the two streets that lead to that building.

Knowing this, I asked the angels for the road to be cleared when I got there. The drive was slow and when I approached the first of the two streets I saw a number of cars spinning their wheels in their struggle to reach the crest.

I drove past that street and at the next turn I needed to take, there was a red pickup truck at the corner, plowing the entrance to the street. I had to wait for him as he was blocking my way but I could see this street, like the previous one, was treacherously covered in snow.

The red pickup turned, then with his plow to the ground, drove up the hill clearing the way for my ascent.

I thanked the angels profusely as my car went effortlessly up the hill.

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