Benefits of Meditation proved by Modern Science
• During meditation, oxygen consumption drops by 10 to 20 percent and it produces a deeper state of rest than sleep. In fact, 75 percent of insomniacs were able to sleep normally when they meditated
• Meditation is the only activity that reduces blood lactate, a marker of stress and anxiety.
• Meditation decreases the stress hormone, cortisol, and increases the calming hormones melatonin and serotonin.
• Meditators secrete more of the youth-related hormone DHEA as they age than nonmeditators. Meditating 45-year-old males have an average of 23 percent more DHEA than nonmeditators, and meditating females have an average of 47 percent more. Wow! DHEA is one of those supplements people describe for anti-aging benefits because it lowers stress, heightens memory, preserves sexual function, and helps control weight.
• Meditation has a profound effect upon three key indicators of aging: (1) hearing ability, (2) it lowers blood pressure, and (3) helps close object vision.
• Long-term meditators experience 80 percent less heart disease and 55 percent less cancer than nonmeditators. That's a good reason to start meditating. (Psychosomatic Medicine 49 (1987): 493-507).
• 34 % of people with chronic pain significantly reduced their pain medication when they began meditating.
• Meditation is known to produce "spontaneous remissions" in 10% of cancer cases, can help get rid of psoriasis, and is a great way to reduce blood pressure. It also is a critical component of alcoholic anonymous programs and other programs to help people beat addictions.
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