by Adrian Helms
In this dissertation I will be discussing the proper way to care for “the rock people” also known as crystals! Crystal energy vibrates at such a high level that it’s almost like they are individual beings with their own personalities. In order for someone to heal with the powerful energy of crystals they must first develop a relationship with the stones they will be working with. I will lead you through the different methods of cleansing crystals as well as how to dedicate them. I will also teach you how to program and store your stones. Knowing these bits of knowledge is imperative for anyone who is starting the amazing, exciting, spiritual journey into the magical world of crystal healing! An excellent way to give your crystals love is by completing the process discussed in this document. In following these exercises you will develop quite a bond with these amazing “beings”. Let’s get started...
Cleansing Methods
Crystals benefit us because of the natural loving and healing energies that they produce. Like us, crystals have an energy field surrounding them. When first obtaining them they may have unaffirmative energies stored within them or they may be retaining the energy of a previous owner. From the time crystals are harvested from the earth, bought, transported, and then sold in metaphysical stores they come in contact with a lot of different energies and are handled by many people. When a crystal comes into your possession the first thing you should do is cleanse it of all of the energies that it has previously come in contact with. (Don’t worry! The natural properties of the crystal will remain.) You can cleanse your stones as often as you like. Trust your intuition! Here are three of my favorite ways to cleanse the crystals that I work with:
Smudging is probably my favorite way of cleansing crystals. Smudging is the use of “sacred smoke” to purify objects or cleanse the atmosphere in your home of the negative energies that reside within. Although this is mostly a Native American practice, the smoke from incense has been used in religious and spiritual ceremonies all over the world! The reason that I like this process the most is because I can cleanse many crystals at one time. (You can smudge your stones one at a time or you can wave the smoke over and around a whole shelf of crystals.) Smudging is most commonly done by burning California white sage, however lavender, cedar, sweetgrass, mugwort, and rosemary (amongst other sacred plants) can be used as well. While you are holding a crystal over the smoke from the burning herb set your intention that the smoke is taking away all negative energy. I love the smell of burning sage, it reminds me of ancient times (maybe a past life?) and it makes me feel protected and “clear”. I also cleanse my auric field by smudging before doing any energy or crystal work.
Every so often I feel the need to give my crystals a little more individual attention (again trust your intuition). I hold the crystal under running water while visualizing the water washing the stone clean and the negative energy going down the drain with the water. Some crystal owners also like to leave their stones in a bowl of water for a few hours. Taking your stones to a natural body of water (Like a lake, ocean, creek, or river) and giving them a good rinse is also an amazing way to cleanse your crystals. Water can damage some “soft” stones so make sure you do your research!
Cleansing Crystal Jewelry
Some people wear crystal jewelry to tap into crystal energy on a daily basis. Wearing jewelry made of stones is an awesome way to manifest change in your life. Wearing a crystal that correlates to the area that you are trying to manifest will amp up your intentions, affirmations, and prayers. For example if you are trying to manifest self-esteem or self-love then wearing a rose quartz pendant would be great to help you develop in that specific area. I would advise you to take off your crystal jewelry every night and cleanse it, especially if you come in contact with a lot of people during the day. A great way to cleanse your jewelry is by placing it on a large CLEANSED amethyst cluster overnight. When you wake up in the morning your crystal will be purified and ready to assist you throughout your day. You can cleanse small tumbled gemstones this way too!
Dedicating & Programing Crystals
After cleansing your crystals it is very important to dedicate them. This part of the process ensures that the energy from the crystal is only used and directed in a positive way. This should be done one stone at a time so that you can get more acquainted with the energy of each crystal. Simply hold the stone in your hand and use your holy imagination to visualize light streaming from Great Spirit (God, Goddess, Universe, Angels, Guides…) directly to the crystal in your hand. While you are visualizing your crystal being filled with the white light of Great Spirit set your intention to dedicate your stone to only be used for the highest good of all. You can say something like this:
“Great Spirit, In Love I dedicate this crystal to your service for the highest and greatest good of all your children. From this moment forward this crystal will only be used for the purposes of love and light and the manifestation of divine will. Blessed be.”
Now your crystals have been cleansed and dedicated! The last part of the process is programming your stone to be used for a particular purpose (healing, spiritual growth, self-esteem, meditation…). This step is very simple. Holding your stone in your hand begin to feel the energy of your high vibrating, freshly cleansed and dedicated stone and say something like this:
“I intend for this crystal be used in my healing practice (or meditation, spiritual growth…) for the greatest and highest good of all. Blessed be.”
That’s it your all done! During these steps always remember to do only what feels right for you. Always trust your inner guidance!
Storing Crystals
Personally I think the way you store your crystals is a personal preference. I have crystals and crystal clusters all over my home. I have them on my night stand, on my end tables in the living room, in my kitchen, and near electronics. You can also store your more expensive stones and tumbled gemstones in a wood box. I think wood boxes are better than plastic ones because wood is more natural and organic and will complement the energy of the stones well.
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