by Jenny Harker
I performed a self-healing crystal healing with the goal of clearing my lower chakras and connecting them with my heart chakra. I used two large double terminated Tibetan clear quartz, one to hold in either hand as instructed in the course, to serve as an electrical current of sorts. These are the only clear quartz I used because they each carry a powerful energy. I declined to use my black Tibetan as it is simply TOO powerful.
I used three Carnelian stones for my lower chakras and a large green Aventurine for my heart chakra. I have found through experience green Aventurine and Carnelian resonate with me and with each other. I didn't use stones on my upper chakras because those chakras are clear, heavily used, and I might be tempted to float away into the happy world of my third eye.
I allowed my intuition to guide me as to how the stones should be cleared and programmed. I cleared each stone to be used by leaving it buried overnight in the earth beneath a rosemary plant in my garden (I resonate strongly with the healing energy of rosemary). The stones were practically purring this morning when I dug them out! I programmed each stone by holding it clasped between my palms. I invoked Reiki energy as I focused on the stone's task at hand. I felt the intention sink into each stone until I saw, in my mind's eye, the interior of each stone.
I then asked the archangels, specifically Raphael, for help and guidance with achieving my healing goal. I then laid down on my bed, placed the stones in their positions on my body, and then took three long slow deep breaths as I closed my eyes. I sensed a strong angelic presence in the room (my winged pals were practically giggling with delight!).
I focused on my intent to clear my lower chakras, and soon felt an almost burning sensation from the crystal in my left dominant hand. I tracked its energy as it coursed through me into the opposite quartz crystal, which then began sending its energy into my root chakra. The energy managed to slug its way through my muddy root and sacral chakra into my solar plexus chakra.
Suddenly in my mind's eye I saw a brilliant yellow flower like a dahlia open wide and the words 'solar plexus chakra' appeared in yellow. Its energy swirled strongly clockwise. I felt this blazingly yellow energy gently connect with my healthy heart chakra, which touched the yellow with cool emerald green.
I became aware of the layers of my energy body and could see how my freshly opened solar plexus chakra lit up my aura like morning sunlight. I noticed the aura colors were a bit muddy around my sacral and root chakra.
I then focused on my root and sacral chakras but, try as I might, I barely dented their energy. I glimpsed a few blood red petals, a little orange, but that was it so I will have to use different stones for the next healing session. Intuition is telling me to try Red Jasper and black Obsidian to clear out these two chakras and then follow up with gentle smoky Quartz.
I partially closed my solar plexus and heart chakra--just slightly!--because, being an empath, I can't afford to stay wide open to the world all the time. I took a few deep breaths and thanked my winged pals for their help. I feel marvelous! Far more rested and balanced despite failing to clear my lowest main chakras.
This healing session lasted about thirty minutes. I cleared the stones by thanking each and then reburied them in my garden. I will let Mama Earth work her magic on them for a few days. They've earned it.
I've thoroughly enjoyed the course and intend to use the information to broaden my skill as a healer not only on myself but on other people as well. Since becoming more involved with crystal work I've noticed I'm now able to sense what kind of crystal someone needs just by looking at the person! I intuitively read their energy and the name of the crystal pops into my mind. Also, my spirit guides have taken to communicating with me by using the names of crystals. For example, after I woke this morning the words 'medicine bow agate' came to my mind and stayed with me until I looked up its meaning and learned I need to get lost out in the wilds so Mama Earth can work her magic on me.
Thank you so much for the course! (And thank you, angels, for guiding me to it!)
Jenny Harker
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