Dear Woman... listen...

Thank you to all those amazing conscious men for this heart-felt apology without justification or excuses that is being transmitted across the globe.

As women we salute you in gratitude for this new beginning and the message of acknowledgement being received from your collective consciousness.

Together we can heal ourselves and the world. Thank you.
Gay Hendricks and Arjuna Argagh

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Apr 20, 2011
You are woman... by Martino Fortuin
by: Anonymous

Woman...thou art strong
If only this we could all see
A better place our world would be

Woman...thou art fair
A beacon in times of need
A soul provider indeed

Woman...thou art lovely
Your beauty as striking as light
and comfort deep into the night

Woman thou art peace
Gracing life as stars do
Ever present, ever new

Woman...thou art equal
Stand tall stand proud
Fear not to say it aloud...


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