Chakra Healing is a powerful tool...
I know that the sheer scope of challenges you face in life can be jarring, which is why learning about your Chakra System is a priceless lifelong asset.
By being here I know that you are...
In "The Chakra Course" you will learn to turn your Chakras into your closest allies and finally create the life you deserve!
Therefore learning to manage your chakras puts your life back in your hands by allowing you, at any given time, to know which area of your life needs healing, and most importantly to know exactly how to improve it.
Your Chakras are the seven power points in your body that circulate energy or life force also known as "prana or chi", located within your physical and etheric body.
Their actual positions, functions and attributes with regard to your physical body is an involved topic, with many complex claims depending on whether you see them from the Western or Eastern perspective.
Generally though, their positioning from both perspectives are similar and there is an overlapping and sharing of functions amongst the chakras which you will explore in this chakra healing course.
You will also be certificated by HJE and accredited by ILLI.
This exceptional home study course on the chakras and chakra healing details the SEVEN MAJOR CHAKRAS and which of them deals with:
Do you feel stressed out, depleted or in need of more energy?
You deserve to feel relaxed, to feel energised, you deserve to feel good and full of energy every day!
In this chakra healing course you will learn how to recover, how to use chakra healing so that you can continue on your unique healing path of self discovery.
What others had to say...
Amazing how knowing your chakras can make such a huge difference in one's life. I loved your course, so easy to follow and very informative on chakra healing! Looking forward to doing my next course with you. - Donnalyn, Chicago
I just wanted to thank you for your guidancein your Chakra Course, my solar plexus is healed, and spinning correctly, along with the heart and sacral chakras, more importantly I no longer have the pain in my back. Thank you so super much! I have to add I love your website, and all your healing courses. - Nikita, United States
Thank you for my certificate, the Chakra Course was amazing. Keep doing what you're doing, you're really helping and healing others. Your courses and website gives so much important information that teaches and guides people in the right direction, the fascinating part is that most of it is free. I truly appreciate you and I am so thankful for your contributions to the lightworkers journey. - Shauna, Sidney
Thank you. Great course. - Pedro R Gabino
As you go through the Chakra Course, you will learn:
A personal message from Elmarie
I so look forward to having you join me as I personally guide you on your Chakra Journey.
Know that as you travel I will be there with you every step of the way to help and support you as you become the master of your life and well-being.
I know you will be delighted to discover ways to empower your chakra centers and balance your energy system and understand issues that influence your chakras and their functions.
Every chakra is a key to unfolding many of life's secrets and by taking control you become the creator of the life you always wanted.
I look forward to your success so that on your graduation of this crystal healing course I will be able to hand over your certificate from HJE School of Energy Healing.
Do you realise...
"There is deep wisdom within our very flesh, if we can only come to our senses and feel it. ~Elizabeth A. Behnke~"
Also you will get 7 must have works for your healing library.
Yes... you read that right 7 books absolutely FREE for you to download.
These books are:
This website is for you and others like you who have a desire to be a part of the natural way to heal.
I am sure you too have found a lot of valuable insights into energy healing and by sharing our knowledge we get to help one another.
This web site is a collation of my knowledge spread over more than 400 pages but I know that there is a lot more information and success stories out there and I would just love to hear about them.
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