by Christine
(St. Louis, MO., USA)
I use the Double Star of David Crystal Grid Layout! You can use it for sending distance healing by placing a picture of the person or situation you are intending to heal.
I was in need of some serious healing for a skin dis - ease. Since I was in need of this healing, I decided to draw a Double Star of David on my foam mattress cover. On the corner or point of the stars I placed Reiki charged crystals chosen for their properties specific for my healing needs. I also drew the chakra symbols on the foam mattress top and placed a chakra stone on each symbol. I charged the grid with Reiki and every time I get up from a good nights rest on that grid I can see the renewal and restoration of my skin.
I can literally feel my vibration raise when I get sleepy in another place because my body has gotten used to resting in a certain vibration. I can feel my bed even when I am not in it, like it's calling me to it.
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