How To Create Affirmations

How to create affirmations is a MUST know to give you a powerful tool to enhance your well-being. Unfortunately this powerful technique is not all that well understood which is something we will remedy right here.

Even though there are a lot of information available on this subject nowadays, very few really know how to create them correctly.

Start by taking some time to think about areas in your life you would like to improve and how you might want your life to be.

It is worth taking some time over this process writing the most important ones down in a list.

The P Factor

Just like the "P" factor in property position, position, position - we have the "P" factor in affirming positive, personal, present (in the now).

How to Create Affirmations - Be POSITIVE

Use the most positive terms you can. Rather than saying "I am not fat", say "I choose to stay slim". The word "not" will be discarded by your unconscious mind, as it cannot distinguish positive from negative and will therefore hear "I am fat" which it will then seek to prove. Especially if you are a bit overweight, and are working at changing your beliefs around body image.

How to Create Affirmations - Use the PRESENT

You want your mind to know it has already happened. Make them short and specific. I suggest you keep in mind that the affirmation has to be believable to work. If you say "I have a million bucks", your mind will not believe you, need I say why? Combine with the choice method and rather say "I choose to have a million bucks". Here you might want to give yourself a time frame but always remember "believability". Your mind will do its best to bring it into reality.

How to Create Affirmations - PERSONALIZE

Personalize them with your name. As your unconscious mind only works for you, not for others, saying "My partner finds me attractive and loves me" will not be effective, because you have no control over your partner. Rather say "I choose to feel attractive and loved by my partner", as with this statement you are only controlling your own feelings.

The secret to how to create affirmations is to know to make them short and specific. I choose, I am, I can and I will are statements of self-belief to start them with. As you are learning to do affirmations, write them down so you will remember exactly what you want to say.

So this brings us to the foundation to an effective and successful affirmation.

Believability Is Vital

First and foremost your affirmation must be believable to your unconscious mind.

In every instance this is the stage where most of the affirmations people use, fall apart.

For instance, you are so broke that you cannot even afford to pay attention... YET you now repeat to yourself "I earn 10,000 pounds or dollars per month", believable to your mind? I don't think so!

When you think of how to create affirmations would you not agree that this is an unrealistic if not completely unbelievable message you are giving to the unconscious mind at this point while hoping for and not believing in a positive response.

Here's a Suggestion

Always start by making choices and one of the best and easiest ways to do this is to begin your affirmations by using the words "I choose", so as opposed to:

"I earn 10,000 ponds or dollars per month"

Why not rather say "I choose to earn 10,000 pounds or dollars per month"

Try it!

Can you feel the difference? Even though you are not earning it yet, you are making a quantum leap in getting there by choosing to do so.

NB The mind looks for proof

Your unconscious mind continuously hunts for proof.

You now have the foundation, and are ready for the first building block to your successful affirmation.

As your unconscious mind can not distinguish between positive or negative, right or wrong, good or bad it will hunt for proof either way.

Countless people stay in poverty because they associate pain, bad, wrong and so forth with money.

Think on this for a moment...

Every time you have to spend money, you think of your loans or your outstanding and unpaid bills which in turn unintentionally causes you crucial pain. Or whenever you desire financial abundance or prosperity your immediate response is, "It is wrong, Im a bad person for desiring money" because most of us were raised to believe that scarcity is good and "being rich" is bad.

Now... what to do?

As it is the feeling you attach to money that makes you rich or poor.

So the logical question is... how can you turn this to your advantage?

You are absolutely right... Next time you go out shopping, think of the pleasure of being able to spend as much money as you want to, on whatever you desire and feel the pleasure instead of feeling pain.

What would happen if you associated pleasure with spending money?

Why not try the following?

At the moment you take out your money or credit card, say this affirmation to yourself "I always have more than enough to spend."

This affirmation is always true, as long as you have money left in your pocket (no matter how much), so the unconscious mind will believe it.

Money Affirmation

AHA! Why not combine the choice method which is the foundation with the proof method which is the building block.

For example next time you spend money say: "I choose to feel (foundation) that I always have more than enough to spend." You have money left in your pocket (building block), so the unconscious mind will believe it.

Observe how you feel. With these methods only a few times of real life choices and proof will make your unconscious mind believe it.

Next time you desire financial abundance instead of thinking it is bad or wrong, think of the good you can do, the opportunities you can give those close to you, look around you and immediately give thanks for one thing you have, any one thing YOU HAVE!

Now let's have a look at how to SUPERCHARGE your Affirmations.

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