"There are two kinds of gratitude: the sudden kind we feel for what we take; the larger kind we feel for what we give. ~ Edwin Arlington Robinson ~
We wish to express our heartfelt gratitude to all the guides, angels and fairies for the amazing synchronicities we have experienced not only during the building of this Web Site but throughout our lives.
So often in inexplicable ways, someone will come, offering a key to a door which must be unlocked and opened. There are many halls of
learning and knowledge and there are many who come with keys to these doors. When the time is right, and when we are ready, we are shown and we are taught that which we need to know. Thank You wherever you are!
To the brilliant and awe-inspiring authors - Thank You for sharing your knowledge with humanity.
The incredible company SBI.
A company that is much more than it's owner Dr Ken Evoy but is more about his unique unification of all his co-workers and the owners of of a SBI website, all of whom play an intrinsic role in ensuring the success of the other.
If it is on your mind to share your passion as we have, or for whatever other reason to build your own web site whether to make money to supplement your income or to replace your current occupation, there is only one way to do it SBI.
The site "CSS Play" for some of the extra code.
“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” ~ Winston Churchill ~
Deepak Chopra and Gary Zukav for your many inspirational books.
Louise L. Hay, thank you for being such an inspiration and for the innumerable books and opportunities you've created through Hay House.
Brandon Bays, thank you for sharing your journey with us.
My very good friend Roy Aiken from Essentia Oils.
With gratitude to all the wondrous people out there taking part in this magnificent tool we call the Internet, thank you that, at this momentous time, you are sharing so much knowledge and information, giving humankind the opportunity of understanding our unique and important role as creators and healers of our own realities and therefore of the "All That Is".
Lastly but most importantly, in gratitude to the Creator for this magnificent opportunity we call life!
This website is for you and others like you who have a desire to be a part of the natural way to heal.
I am sure you too have found a lot of valuable insights into energy healing and by sharing our knowledge we get to help one another.
This web site is a collation of my knowledge spread over more than 400 pages but I know that there is a lot more information and success stories out there and I would just love to hear about them.
I'd love to receive any articles, photos, stories, reviews, or other content you'd like to share.
Share Your Energy Healing Experience by submitting it right here on this site, then site visitors can read, rate, and comment about it. See an example of how this works with an interesting story of what happend to me about perfection.
You can also share or comment on any page of this website, just see the "Share this page" and "Leave a Comment" options at the very bottom!
Please join me as we develop and grow this fun Healing Community.
There's also an active group of fans on my Healing Journeys Energy Facebook Page so come join the conversation, we'd love to have you with us!
I recently started a Pinterest page with tons of boards to follow!
Of course I am available on Twitter and would love to see your tweets!
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