Indigo Woman Visionary

by Chelsea Lasko
(Vancouver, BC, CAnada)

Thank you for the wonderful write-up for all of us wayseers, I couldn't have put it into words quite like that but it resonated with my soul.

I definitely am and have known for some time that I too am a wayseer. I have noticed over the last year my ability to manifest my reality, now I just need to take that to a more global level.

Starting out though by getting a community going with which I can guide the way. By January 2012 I plan on having my farm / self sustainable community set up in order to start rebuilding the soil.

The energy is right for it. I feel confident in my dream and vision as a wayseer that this is just the thing i have to do to help people wake up.

I try to plant seeds of awareness in people. Like people that follow their "beliefs" so blindly and never question where they came from or why?

I hope to be able to help envision a new way of being, one that is more enlightened and based on Love instead of fear.

See article "The Way... are you a Wayseer?"

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Dec 28, 2010
My wish for you...
by: Elmarie

I wish you joy,
I wish you all the pleasures
The world has to give,
Pleasures of a pure heart
And soul

I wish you the exhilaration
Felt atop mountain peaks,
I wish you the cool comfort
Of a shaggy, shady oak

I wish you the thrill
Of watching your children
Grow up and blossom
Into a loving, caring maturity

I wish you all the passion
That a love for the ages,
A nurturing, spontaneous love,
Can generously give

I wish you never know loneliness,
Never know pain and sorrow
To excess or extremes,
And if you do,
It gives birth to future joys

I wish you good health
Of mind, body and spirit,
That your journey through life
Be a peaceful one

I wish you friendship
The kind that supports you,
Sustains you,
And makes you stop to smile

I wish you love and friendship,
Comfort and peace,
I wish you joy!

~Written by Dobhran~

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