I just completed my Reiki II class and went for an attunement last night. As I was laying on the table one of the practitioners that was administering Reiki to me began to tremble and then she started trembling real bad like she was being electrocuted. Of course I was totally lost and wasn't aware of anyone else until someone finally pulled her away from the table and someone else replaced her. Scared me because I don't understand what was happening. I'd love to get some in sight on what this was all about. - Dawn Adley, United States
Greetings Dawn,
Reiki Attunements are very powerful happenings and experiences and different people deal with them differently and after each attunement there is a 21 day cleansing and "getting used to" process. When a Reiki Attunement is done, a tremendous amount of energy is anchored into the recipient and it could take quite some time to become accustomed to the energy. Keep in mind that Reiki CANNOT and WILL NOT do any harm in other words do not fear, trust in the Universal Life Force Energy as it can do no harm.
When receiving a Reiki Attunement the recipient of such Attunement also goes through a very deep healing process which will bring any deep rooted dis-ease to the fore to be dealt with and healed.
Another possibility is that she either picked up the energy coursing through your body or alternatively her own experience of this energy was very powerful and her body still has to get used to it.
Remember that in becoming a Reiki Practitioner the person doing so takes responsibility for themselves and depending on the person, this too can be a powerful and sometimes difficult process.
Whatever happened on the evening of the Attunement is really impossible to explain with accuracy and my suggestion to you is that you work with Reiki as much as possible to enable your body to get used to the "powered up energy" and I would also suggest that for the next 21 days you do a self healing Reiki session every day.
Walk in Love & Light for Life
Elmarie Swartz
Holistic Facilitator, Reiki & Crystal Master / Teacher
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