Spirit Guides - Mr. Crow and the Jade Beetle

by Jade
( California)

I have been working with a psychic advisor to unblock my chakras and balance my karma, and so for a couple of months now i have been meditating and asking God, my angels, my spirit guides and the spirits of all those I have known and loved in my past to help me forgive my past and to aid me in transforming my life.

Well my sister and I have always believed in all things spiritual and for the purposes of this particular story have always had a love for crows. We see them always eating the nuts that fall from my neighbors tree, and so sometimes we'd joke about them, smile and even say hello to Mr. Crow (Russel). I would say they are like a form of comfort and bonding, at least for my sister and I.

Well just last week my sister found an injured crow behind her truck and she told me to bring him in. At first i thought he couldnt fly because his wing was broken but it turned out he was suffering from really bad seizures. I had planned to keep him as a pet until he got better. I am not familiar with the temperment of crows but Russel was the nicest crow I have ever had the priviledge of meeting.

He let me pet him and cuddle him, and even let me pet him under his beak. He didn't caw and he did not bite, it was as if he knew we were there to help him and he was there to be a sign of something devine. I didn't care about any diseases to me he was a sign.

Of what I don't know...anyway...he seized throughout the night and as silly as it may sound I talked to him and told him that he would be ok and that I wouldnt leave his side. I even put my rosary in his cage and at one point he cluthced it in his claws.

I prayed and meditated for the angels to guide him over the rainbow bridge and that if he were to go, that he would go with no pain and with the realization that he wasn't alone and that we were by his side.

He died the next morning...I was very sad but my heart felt happy because I knew he was not suffering and I knew we had done the right thing...

As I was digging a spot under my tree to bury him, I had left and returned. When I returned I found an injured jade beatle in the hole... growing up my sister and I would always say they were lucky because you rarely see them... but on this day and under these circumstances there it was in the hole I had dug for my beloved crow...

This entire week I've been finding crow feathers in the weirdest places... as if it were a message of some sort. We find comfort in it. In a lot of ways I think Mr. Crow was a sign, that everything will be ok and that we are not alone in our quest through life...

I read your affirmations and chakra prayers daily and I thought I would share this. I think the odds of aiding a crow are slim to none. Most people believe crows are a sign of evil and bad omen... I like to see it as just the opposite. like we can find good in every "bad" situation if we are willing to open our hearts to the lesson...

Nonetheless, I will always remember the crow and the jade beetle :)

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Aug 04, 2013
Thank You!!
by: Anonymous

What a beautiful story, thank you so much for sharing... it is as you said... there is always something good in everything... it is up to us to find it... many blessings...


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